My MorphOS Systems

My workspace (140720)

Today we are going to take a quick look at my MorphOS systems. The picture above shows my computer space. It’s cramped, but very functional. I currently have 5 MorphOS compatible systems (3 are registered):

  1. A PowerMac dual core 2.7 GHz G5 (My main system)
  2. An 12″ Ibook single core 1.33 GHz G4 (My main portable system)
  3. A PowerMac Dual core 2.0 GHz G5 (Spare system. I lent it to SUGA)
  4. A 17″ Powerbook single core 1.67 GHz G4 (Unregistered. I bought it to be a future semi-portable system)
  5. An Genesi Efika 5200b (Unregistered and unused. I have no idea what to do with it)

It’s my G5 MorphOS system on the computer screen. On top of the picture you can see my Windows/AROS computer (and yes, it’s a Watch_Dogs figure on the computer and yes, that game wasn’t nearly as good as I thought it would be). Below it you can see a glimpse of my Ibook and beside the CD/DVD covers is my Efika (barely noticeable). Behind the chair is my huge 20 kilo heavy G5:

PowerMac G5 2.7 GHz

Currently, the 2.7 GHz PowerMac is the most powerful system out there that runs MorphOS. It’s fast enough to run full HD movies even on a single core (!). Pretty impressive for an almost 10 year old computer. However, it gobbles power and gets crazy hot which is why it’s water cooled.

If we return to the top picture and look at the printer you will see a keyboard. It’s not just any keyboard, but a custom made Ducky Zero mechanical keyboard made by Loriagno Pagni. It’s a really cool piece of hardware:

Custom made keyboard

It’s made to look like a typical Amiga Keyboard from the good old days (except the black base plate which didn’t come in white). However, there was a very sad surprise when I finally got it: it doesn’t work with MorphOS! I do hope the MorphOS Team will hear my plea and fix it in the near future. Apparently, this keyboard works fine with AmigaOS 4.1 so there is still hope.

While my G5 and my Ibook is used a lot, the other 3 systems mostly collects dust at the moment. If you look at the picture below, this is what they basically look like (note: not from my systems):

Fresh install of MorphOS

I installed the OS and then let it mostly be, until I find a use for them. I have given a whole lot of more love to my PowerMac G5 (2.7 GHz):

My MorphOS system (140720)

For my Ibook I simply copied everything from my G5 and changed some minor settings (yes, you can do that!). As you can see, I have made a lot of changes. The icons are based on BUUF/Gant icons by Mattahan (some HDD icons and Game folders icons are made/modified by me). At the top you can see all the different monitors like CPU, heat, uptime, available RAM and VRAM etc. I’ve also changed the color theme go from blue to gray and made a whole lot of tweaks in MUI (where you can change the look in most about everything). I also let the MP3 player Aminet Radio play at the bottom. I’ve also changed the setting so that every important program I use gets its own screen. Like the pretty well made web browser OWB:


Tweaking the system to do what you want and look like you want it to look is one of the things I enjoy most with any Amiga system. I have never paid so much attention to details on any other system. Mostly because you can’t do half the things you want in Windows or MacOS so why bother? But with MorphOS it’s part of the system, and thus part of the fun.

Now you have seen what my setup looks like. Next time we will start getting dirty and show something useful.

[Edit] 140720: Small corrections.

[Edit ] 140722: Changed the part where I talk about opening own screens. I wrote “window” by mistake.

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